Today i have a beautiful feelin, and i have no doubt it comes from the spirit, i know that the general conference will strength it me and i will feel the Saviors love, i´ll know what will i have to do to be a better person, a better member of the church, a better daughter, and to keep going endurin to the end :D
I was waittin for today´s day!! i was so anxious to hear the progphet speakin to me and this week was so hard, and the fact of knowin that i´ll see the conference gave me strength, i never was soo excited to see the conference as this time, and i know i´ll enjoy it!.
Life is hard, but if we trust the Lord and we keep strong, he´ll bless us, at the right moment, i know that!!, and i also know he´ll never leave us.
i feel sooo happy!!!