Pues oi fue un dia tranquilo, mui tranquilo y especial, en todos los aspectos, fui mui bendecida, claro sin pasar por alto las adversidades, empezando con una ke fue el no quererme levantar :P se me acia mui poco tiempo :S jaja lo que dormi y eso que dormi a las 10, pero ice el esfuerzo y todo salio bien :D jaja y me puse a read my scriptures, comprendi algo que antes no abia comprendido, cuando jacob les abla a sus hnos y les enseña sobre Jesucristo y que el vendra y sobre los gentiles, la verdad no queria terminar de leer, pero era necesario para poder arreglarme e irme a la skul y medio limpiar la casa, lo ice :D llegue justo a tiempo, el profe aun no llegaba :P y estubo mui bien su clase, tuve una clase si dos uno una si dos no jaja casi casi :P exagere un poquito, pero si, me la pase mui tranquila en la escuela, y pues pase el examen de metodos :D y emm... fui al centro a ver lo del banco y mi cuenta, a pagar parte del telefono -p, lo que puedo no?, comer :D (doggos) ir de viewshoppin y renove mi credencial del suba :D last week was rough and it seems this one is pretty ^^, at work everything soooo calm and peaceful, very pleasent, i enjoyed it. I left the PPplace and then i got the 19 Rute and this guy, that took it with me, was my companion durin the ride, after some minutes, going on the portillo avenue i jumped up, somethin scared me and everybody faces was turnin up to me so i looked to see what they saw and to my surprise, there was a whole in the window of the bus, off course the bus stoped and tryed to see somethin and tryed to watch what happened, same as all in the bus, i was in shock cause it happen just right up in my head!!, i was blessed same as the rest of the ppl in the bus, no one was ill but the experience will not be deleted from our mind for a while.
oh yeah, and i got home and guess what?...
yeah!! another letter from E. Stephenson!
do u know who he is? neither did i ... until i open it
yeap it was for me, he´s Kmachio´s companion ^^
so cute!!!