septiembre 24, 2011

Ustedes van a la cabeza, no al final...

I'm sitting here alone up in my room, And thinking about the times that we've been through
I'm looking at a picture in my hand,Trying my best to understand
I really want to know what we did wrong, With a love that felt so strong
If only you were here tonight,I know that we could make it right

I don't know how to live without your love, I was born to make you happy
'Cause you're the only one within my heart, I was born to make you happy
Always and forever you and me, That's the way our life should be
I don't know how to live without your love, I was born to make you happy

This song Britney totally sings it for a "Boy-Friend" but i listen to it and comes to my mind all my friends, family and people that has help me through my life, i believe im sensitive tonight, many things going on, and the Relief Society Conference was pretty much what i Needed it just got me. Llego a casa y veo fotos de mi familia, abuelita Jovita, Abuelito Santiago, mis hnos y yo de niños, a mi primo Kumenso y nose aa es como un sentimiento junto, el no olvidar que NPC me ama es algo mui importante, el saber qe siempre estara para mi es como una respuesta qe no precisamente yo pregunte directamente ah nose como explicarlo, jaja aun tengo todos los sentimientos encontrados y aun no se acomodan, solo estoi feliz de poder ser hija de El ser qe creo este mundo para nosotros, para qe podamos ser felices, tomando nuestras propias decisiones, aprendiendo a poder llegar a ser como Él es, si lose, es una tarea dificil qe Google no nos ayudara a pegar en word pero el Señor nos ha dado las pautas/herramientas para poder hacerlo y ser felices con el Eternamente, el ultimo himno qe cantamos en la reunion fue Ya regocijemos pero la ultima frase en ingles dice And Christ and his people will ever be one. I love it, es parate por la cual canto este himno tanto en ingles aunqe canto lo mismo over and over jaja but i always sing that part because i Belive it. Do you??

Prepare for tomorrow im sure what`s coming is better than today´s ONLY if we´re ready for it.

Beautiful Sabath Day To all!!
Now let us Rejoice!!