Bueno parece ke abandone el blogg por un buen rato, updates, ya libere mi servicio en tan solo 3 dias :D yay!! 480 horas en 3 days way to go ITH jaja :D and i just took some pictures, i totally have fun and had fun doing it, aunke todo eso reminded me all the BdeA´s experience!U know many people from veracruz, puebla, pachuca, merida, durango, mexico, acapulco, well; u got the idea? right? soooo many memories got into my mind and are still there, was nice kinda traumante pero todo bien!!, ke mas ke mas, oh mi mom turned emm well was her birthday ayer and we talked to her, she sounded sooo happy and that makes me hapy :D.
Me senti tan cerca de mis papas y de mi Duda ke fue genial tooodoo :D y todo por INTERNET!! bendito internet aunke tambien tiene lo suyo, anduve leyendo la liahona last week and wow the messages are soo great :D i love the gospel and i had the spirit so great, i might go trough a lot stressing things but I can recognize every time the hand of The Lord in mi LIFE and in my family.