Oh happy day? I dunno all i know its that i need somebody to love(8) jaaa bueno no la verdad no aun no podemos esperar asta noviembre y diciembre y a enero y a febrero jaa aber si pasa algo o sino dentro de un año!! :D pero encontraremos algo jaja no me preocupo...tanto jeje
weno weno ke les cuento, las week ough wasnt a good week en el cyber tuve algunos problems con el modem, entrada, lluvias, viruses, etc u got the idea right? so i was a little upset with life, but everything´s changing :D General Conference is this weekend!! yay and last saturday tuvimos la conferencia para las de Soc Soc so everything soo cool.... i admit it i was late a little, but i saw president monson´s talk and was great, just what i need it :D
At skul things arent so good but we´re trying to fixed it all!
anyways... see ya i guess i have not much to write :P