Anyways I must count my blessings and they are many, we most have them in our heart and mind everyday and everytime so we can be grateful with Heavenly Father. Some of my blessings are:
A human body with bones and a HEART.
Goodly parents, with a HUGE heart for me and patience all moments I’ve made mistakes and on my goals too, no me imagino ke podria ser yo sin mi Hermosa madre y sus consejos, enseñanzas y without the most handsome dad ever with a huge brain and an enormous heart.
2 Big brothers who have take care of me, mostly always.
A beautiful little sister, who has been my best ever, my support and my teacher too!
A lot of trials during my life, showing me His love by Their support and with the Holy Ghost as my guide to get closer to them.
But the most important blessing is: JESUS and his sacrifice being my example of how I should be, that´s the path!! I get it, I ´ve always known that but sometimes te llega mas que otras u know, that´s it!Let´s FOLLOW JESUS!
:p I feel a lot better u know!?
Cuenta tus bendiciones y veras cuantas bendiciones de Jesus TENDRAS!!
Ke tengan un lindo inicio de semana!, El mio lo es saben porke, Elaine cumple 4 CUATRO años!! Ke rápido pasa el tiempo, i love her, she´s one more blessing in my life, a huge one, same as Santiago, Amanya and de bb coming^^.