Oi we got late for the sacrament meeting...do u know what that means? it was no good, the whole week i´ll feel wierd, la primera vez ke no iege atiempo para el sacrament me senti bn mal y me puse apensar como seria si fuera el dia en el ke el señor venga y io no este lista, ke io no este sentada en mi lugar esperando a escucharle nose me senti mal y me puse la meta de esforzarme por acer lo posible por iegar a tiempo al sacrament pero weno.. el dia de oi stuvo mui especial.. yes i know i love sundays, and all of them are special 4 me but this sunday specially because we talked about FAMILIES in general, and made me think on how grateful i am for being sealed to my family and that because im in the right path and that i´ll be sealing to my family one day :D (hope soon) and also, today i didnt work :D, today i watched some cool movies, i talked to biankikis and feel soo happy :D
Im greatful for being in this time.