septiembre 30, 2009
Psz aorita puse musica de shania twain para animarme y ponerme a "limpiar" la kitchen so la puse y en eso vino una super cancion... ke no abia escuchiado antes... sta bn linda so here it is...
Oi tenia esperanzas en que podria ver una carta, pero nada!! i guess i´ll work my faith, and hope still... to see what´ll happen. xD
La cancion se iama.. de woman in me
Oi tenia esperanzas en que podria ver una carta, pero nada!! i guess i´ll work my faith, and hope still... to see what´ll happen. xD
La cancion se iama.. de woman in me
I'm not always strong
And sometimes I'm even wrong
But I win when I choose
And I can't stand to lose
But I can't always be
The rock that you see
When the nights get too long
And I just can't go on
The woman in me
Needs you to be
The man in my arms
To hold tenderly
Cause I'm a woman in love
And it's you I run to
Yeah the woman in me
Needs the man in you
When the world wants too much
And it feels cold and out of touch
It's a beautiful place
When you kiss my face
The woman in me
Needs you to be
The man in my arms
To hold tenderly
Cause I'm a woman in love
And it's you I run to
septiembre 29, 2009
Oi decidi estar feliz :D y tener un dia feliz jaja y asi fue, apesar de ke llegue a las once 17 a ksa stoi feliz, lave mi pantalon ke se super manchio, pero estoi feliz, no tuve una materia, pero estoi feliz, llegue tarde al trabajo pero fui feliz, tuve un mega evento ke casi me vuelvo loca, pero fui feliz, bien me dijo Racingself que el estar awitados o tristes es una decision ke nosotros tomamos, so cero depre y sadness, at least for today, was a hard and tired day, but will never forget it :D
i love my family and im thankful for mis tesoros: papa y mama
los extrañio muchio, pero si nos esforzamos en salir adelante podremos estar juntos de nuevo, no solo aki en la tierra, sino por siempre!!!
Aun cuando el dolor oprima... nos podemos recuperar!!(8)
i love my family and im thankful for mis tesoros: papa y mama
los extrañio muchio, pero si nos esforzamos en salir adelante podremos estar juntos de nuevo, no solo aki en la tierra, sino por siempre!!!
Aun cuando el dolor oprima... nos podemos recuperar!!(8)
septiembre 26, 2009
i'm here now & i'll be here
for awhile, so if you ever decide
that you want to give us a chance
don't be afraid to let me know,
but i wont be waiting forever
Sometimes the sitting, waiting,
and wondering
what's going to happen
can be more painful then what actually happens.
The worst part of life is waiting.
The best part of life is
having someone worth waiting for.
Missing you isn't the problem,
it's wondering if I'll ever see
you again that's killing me.
septiembre 23, 2009
Home Alone
Hoy como de costumbre mi despertador estaba comenzando el dia con musica :D entonces fue que decidi que me daria un poco mas de tiempo, -si, unos minutitos mas porfavor!!!- y asi fué, pero no fueron tan gratificantes que digamos, Ammon vino acia mi (si se levanto temprano :P) e interrumpio mi sueño, pero aun asi seguia acostada descanzando :D, desperte e ice mi rutina diara, solo que hoy sin presion, todo tranquilo incluso sali a tiempo, 6:40 llegue a la escuela justo a tiempo!! bueno jaja cuando el maestra acababa de llegar :D, trate de no estresarme oi, no solo porke iba a ser mi dia de descanzo en el trabajo, sino porke me lo merezco, necesito darme mi tiempo y estar mas tranquila, despues recorde ke tenia examen!! creen ke me estrese? adivinen, agan sus apuestas!! jaja pues NOO lo deje pasar, solo leia con calma los apuntes, la maestra llegoo y nos izo el examen, fue curioso porke dijo: todos los que quieran 70, vengan y dejen aqui su examen, en eso la mayoria del salon muy y obedientes y a la falta de "concentracion" jaja acia el examen se levantaron y dejaron su examen ahi, esperando el 70 que la maestra prometio, que paso conmigo? no, no me pare, para ke conforamarme con un 70, ademas previamente abia tenido un tipo de "test" asi, en el cual sali favorecida :D, so la gente se fue, nos quedamos about 10 people in the room and after a while the teacher said: all right now you have 1 minute to copy from ur papers, so yes!! i did it, although i just answered one question with diferent answers and then time´s up, and then me with my own ideas, then another activity! the teacher sayd, gather together in the middle of the room and answer it together with other´s test, so we did and had one minute again, then in our last chance, one of our class stood infront of the classroom and said the answers, and so there i had my test, i´m not sure if i got 100 or what but at least i had soo mcuh fun!!, after that class i had another test, and was kinda the same, in groups ^^ and to tell you the truth we took out our notebooksz :P, the teacher never said nothing :$.
i enjoyed my day today, ammon left me again, he´s drivin to Obregon to see Gris and his family so, im home alone again, but happy for my free day at my job.
“The Lord knows who we really are, what we really think, what we really do, and who we really are becoming.”
i enjoyed my day today, ammon left me again, he´s drivin to Obregon to see Gris and his family so, im home alone again, but happy for my free day at my job.
“The Lord knows who we really are, what we really think, what we really do, and who we really are becoming.”
David A. Bednar
septiembre 22, 2009
Peter Piper Pizza makes any celebration fun & easy. It doesn't matter if you are celebrating a birthday, a lost tooth, a good grade---or even a promotion at work, Peter Piper is the place to PARTY! We'll supply the great-tasting pizza, fun & games - you provide the people. Plus, we'll clean up when it's all over! Now that's a fun party!
septiembre 20, 2009
septiembre 19, 2009
nada que descubra lo que siento
que este día fue perfecto y parezco tan feliz
nada como que hace mucho tiempo
que me cuesta sonreir
quiero vivir quiero gritar
quiero sentir el universo sobre mi
quiero correr en libertad
quiero encontrar mi sitio
una broma del destino
una melodia acelerada en una canción que nunca
acaba ya he tenido suficiente
necesito alguien que comprenda
que estoy sola en medio de un montón de gente
que puedo hacer
sólo encontrar mi sitio 18, 2009
De regreso a las andadas xD del blog
Its Been A Lot Since Las Time But Here I Am And I Really Do Think About The Blog Its Just Sometimes I`M A Little Lazy To Do It :P But Here I Am :D I Wish This Could Write What`S On Your Mind And Makes Al L So Easy :D But It Doesnt So... Here Im Typing My Life... So Well I Went To Mexico City Yay!! I Made It!! And Was Soo Fast But At The Same Time Sooo Cool!! Totally, I Missed My Sister So I Saw Her :D Saw Tia Nelly And Her Beautiful Way Of Talkin To Everyone Jaja, Saw Ryan!!! My Best Friend With His Backpack, His White Shirt And Tie Xd As Missionary, Totally Another Way!, But After 3 Years Was The Most Excited Moment Of Rejoin ^^ My Sister And I Spend Almost 3 Years Together And We Talked And Talked And Kept Talkin About Every Single Thing That Came To Our Mind! So Nice And I Just Remember That And I Feel Younger Jaja, Then My Trip Back "Home" Was Fun, Fast And A Made Me Think A Little About My Life And What I´Ve Done With It :P, I´M Not That Bad Let Me Tell You, There Is Only One "Thing"(Or Person) Missin But At The Right Moment Will Come, I Enjoyed My Arrived Cause Didnt Go To Skul And Spent Time With My Elainita Y Santiaguito :D So Funny And They Make Me Go Crazy And Sooo Tired Haha But I Love Them Santiago Talks A Little Bit More And Elaine Is A Little Bit More Crazy Juju I Dont Know From Where She Learns Crazy Things, I Felt Like A Bug In A Place That Was No Longer My Home There Was No Mom And Dad At Home Everytime I Arrived Home, Something Was Missin And I Knew What Was It But I Was Trying To Be As Strong As I Could Be, U Know Sometimes U Think Everything Will Be Alright And Everything Will Be For A Little Moment Then Your Time Goes Soo Slow That U Star To Miss That Special Thing, I Started To Miss My Mom And Our Talks Haha About When I Was Going To Get Married And How I Should Do More Cookin And So Many Others And My Dad Always Tryin To Fix Something Even Though It Has Nothin! Oh Man This Is Been The Hardest Thing Ever! After A While I Realized That I Was Tryin To Hide What Was Goin On Sleepin Mostly After School And Until 7 O 8 Pm Dinner And Then Back To Sleep, I Was So Sad And There Was No One To Talk About My Feelings, Not Like The Way I´D Like To, I Started To Wake Up And Do Something For Me And For Everything Around, I Stared To Take Some Job Application And Nothing Came Out, Suddenly That Thing Happened And Just When I Felt Down And With No Hope, The Lord Showed Me That I Must Endure Till The End And I´Ll Be Able To See The Marvelous Way The Lord Works, I Felt Bad And I Recognized His Hand And His Love To Me And How He Was Teachin Me That The Things Are Not As Magic Just When We Want To, It Takes Time, It Takes Patience, And Specially Humility.Monday I Didnt Expect That Calling From Peter Piper Pizza, We Made A Date For Next Day So.. I Thought About It And At The Interview They Asked Me About My School Schedule And They Told Me To Go From 2:30 To 6:30, That I Will Be On Charge Of The Events, Parties, Or Whatever U Call It!! Soo Excited!! I Loved It!! And Will Be At Good Hours And Also I’ll Have Sunday Free!! So What Else Could I Asked For?:P I Thanked The Lord And Recognized He Knew Me And Knew The Best Thing For Me And When And Where Was The Right Moment. Tomorrow Will Be My First Day (Yay) And I´Ll Tell U How It Goes...
Quiza... mis ruegos oira...
tal vez, me contestara,
su tiempo el me ofrecera!
Con sus promesas el cumple ya veras
como un padre a su hijo el te oira
la verdad mostrara
lo a prometido lo hara
me contesto!! contestara!! ^^
me contesto!! contestara!! ^^
uuuuu uu
septiembre 07, 2009
New Chapter
lei"All stories, even the ones we love, must eventually come to an end and when they do, it's only an opportunity for another story to begin."
Star of something new - HSM
Living in my own world
Didn't understand
That anything can happen
When you take a chance
I never believed in
What I couldn't see
I never opened my heart yeah!!
To all the possibilities
I know that something has changed
Never felt this way
And right here tonight
This could be the start
Of something new
It feels so right
To be here with you
And now looking in your eyes
I feel in my heart
The start of something new
Now who'd of ever thought that
We'd both be here tonight
And the world looks so much brighter
With you by my side
I know that something has changed
Never felt this way
I know it for real
This could be the start
Of something new
It feels so right
To be here with you
And now looking in your eyes
I feel in my heart
The start of something new
I never knew that it could happen
Till it happened to me
I didn't know it before
But now it's easy to see
It's a start
Of something new
ai espero ke me den el trabajo en el office max la vdd necesito el job, pray ppl pray for me :D
thnx lots
septiembre 02, 2009
the reason Why we blog...
Primarily used for: creating -true-
Primary demographic: 35 to 55
Ideal fit for: about anything -true-
Biggest opportunity: develop thought-leadership -true-
Biggest challenge: requires significant resources over time -true-
Metrics: feed subscribers, comments, visits, unique visitors, page views, Technorati rank, pingbacks, inbound links, visibility in search engines - sooo true-
Helpful tools: WordPress plug-ins
Primary demographic: 35 to 55
Ideal fit for: about anything -true-
Biggest opportunity: develop thought-leadership -true-
Biggest challenge: requires significant resources over time -true-
Metrics: feed subscribers, comments, visits, unique visitors, page views, Technorati rank, pingbacks, inbound links, visibility in search engines - sooo true-
Helpful tools: WordPress plug-ins
septiembre 01, 2009
loose water...
Well i thought i would have more time to blog in here and it seems i cant school its busy and i cant do it at home but anyways right now its time! so i must make the most right now soo... well skul`s been ok and i been very busy during classes and after that times goes by so slow!! like i can count the minutes :S but i`m having fun, i`ve been doin some earings, things that i learned at the relief society classes las month, its cool and very relaxing, u know being lonely makes me miss my mom and my dad, i didnt see them all the time because of me being at skul til nite and `cause the "job" but its just totally diferent another thing, i also miss mi sista like this much! and well i hope to see her more often! :D well time`s up and i must go to class, bytheway i couldnt find my taller de investigacion class there was no teacher there :S and no nothing :( and i looked for the cordinador and he was gone also wrrr makes me mad!! juju not really but just to say jeje.
i miss somebody like i never thought i could miss
(jaja ke panchera no?)
Los Recuerdos Nunca Se Iran
BdeA, BdeA vivira!!!
aier vi la movie de get smart jiji soo much fun watch it!
i miss somebody like i never thought i could miss
(jaja ke panchera no?)
Los Recuerdos Nunca Se Iran
BdeA, BdeA vivira!!!
aier vi la movie de get smart jiji soo much fun watch it!
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